感谢家人、朋友和老师;你大学生活中对你影响最 大的人,课和事;终生学习,聆听他人建议,行动的重要性,做好小事的重要性,坚强意志力的重要性,父母在孩子成长中的作用,网络对人际交流的影响,孩子对教育的理解,教育是有回报的,英语学习的重要性,网络信息传递的影,网络学习,虚拟现实,机器人,信息过载,学历歧视,科技与学习,学习没有捷径,知识与实践,好奇心,做好小事情,不要以貌取人。
A variety of reasons have led me favor this occupation over other lucrative ones.
1.Nothing, not even a big salary, can equal for the opportunity to continue learning, the satisfaction of being your own boss, and the gentle peace of life.
2.All progress, all development come from challenge and a consequent response. Without challenge there is no response, no development, no freedom or no happiness.
To engage in frequent and even heated online debate, you have to do a lot of homework before hand, find answers yourselves and thus you develop the analytical skills which benefit both your academic career and your future life. However it also has its weakness: the classroom time is squeezed, and the learning will be less systematic.
Attending a well-prepared lecture is a most rewarding experience: it can open a new horizon for you and save much of your time as well— time you might otherwise spend reading one book after another. Yet the fault of the lecture system is that it cultivates a bad habit of passive learning.
In my opinion, both systems, online learning or campus study, must be improved and a hybrid method may gain more popularity among us students.
在我看来,这两个系统, 线上或线下学习,必须通过改进和混合的方法可能获得我们的学生更多的欢迎。
1.Young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons with more activities to embrace this world, which is the best way for them to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives and why. Students with such a perspective are usually the most effective and motivated ones who can gain competitive edge in the future career.
年轻人应该多和这个社会接触拓宽他们的视野,这样可以清楚的知道他们想要的是什么以及为什么。有这样视野的学生常常是效率最 高的也是最积极的,在未来的职业中也会获得竞争的优势。(凯文最棒!)
2.The cultivation of critical thinking ability was, is and remains to be an integral part in achieving one's personal accomplishment.
3.Life skills are very important and by doing voluntary work, students can learn how to communicate with others and work in a team but also to manage their time and improve their organizational skills.
4.The skill to manage time contributes directly to enhancing our academic performance, job hunting and promotion in a system.
5.The social practice will provide us with more opportunities to develop our interpersonal communication skills, which may put us in a favorable position in the job market.
1.. We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption. We must instead continue to recognize the benefits of thrift in order to protect our newfound prosperity.
2. Over the decade the pace of change in people’s life has increased beyond our wildest expectations. Among the breakthroughs driving changes is the wide use of smart devices, which makes online shopping or learning possible and more convenient. (凯文真棒!)
3. With the government’s will and public awareness, corresponding effective measures could really reduce the waste of food. Certainly nobody wants to see our resources used up and our people suffer from starvation.
4. In my opinion, focusing on sports facilities is too narrow an approach and would not have the desired results. Youngsters should be encouraged not only to be more physically active but also to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
5. However, these issues can be addressed strategically within the proper policy adopted.
Promoting traditional culture would depend on encouraging the public to learn more about our cultural heritage, and on government using public money to construct and run efficient systems. (凯文最棒!)
同学们,如果你有了考研的想法,现在就可以开始行动,从何凯文每日一句开始学习吧,2021考研人,每日一句的用法:1.先看英文句子译为中文,做题练翻译。2.根据参考译文修改翻译,对答案订正。3.读背景介绍了解相关话题,拓宽视野。4.背词汇突破积累单词,强化命 题思路。这样就能最 大化的利用每日一句!